Applied Behavior Analysis Practices for Dance Teachers
Today's episode is a follow-up on episode number 22 with guest Isaac Iskra. After reflecting upon that conversation, I decided (on a last-minute whim that forced me to record and edit this episode in record time!) that I had some follow-up thoughts on my own experience that I wanted to share.
The tips that I share in this episode are informed by the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, therapy, which I mention in the episode is a controversial practice, and has been rejected by many members of the autism community. This episode is not intended to endorse ABA therapy, but merely to educate on a few key functions of this practice that I personally feel can be helpful to dance teachers! Please listen and make your own judgements and applications as you see fit!
Here is the link to guest episode with Isaac Iskra regarding his experience as an autistic dancer and choreographer.
Join the Casual Dance Teacher's Network on Facebook!
Theme Music by GB Mystical:
The tips that I share in this episode are informed by the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, therapy, which I mention in the episode is a controversial practice, and has been rejected by many members of the autism community. This episode is not intended to endorse ABA therapy, but merely to educate on a few key functions of this practice that I personally feel can be helpful to dance teachers! Please listen and make your own judgements and applications as you see fit!
Here is the link to guest episode with Isaac Iskra regarding his experience as an autistic dancer and choreographer.
Join the Casual Dance Teacher's Network on Facebook!
Theme Music by GB Mystical: