This is the podcast for us dance teachers balancing our teaching job with other jobs, commitments, and just life in general!  We don't need to know how to run the whole studio, work with students 20+ hours a week, or win big at competitions; we just want practical advice and real conversations about how to be the best dance teachers we can be with the little time we have with our students.  Join Maia on The Casual Dance Teacher's Podcast and in The Casual Dance Teacher's Network on Facebook. 

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Latest Episodes

What's in My Dance Bag? Recital Edition

Wrapping up our "recital prep" unit on the podcast, I thought it would be fun to share a breakdown of everything I make sure to have with me in my dance bag during tec...

Choreography Cleaning Games and Activities You Might Not Have Tried Yet!

Next up in our "recital prep" unit on the podcast are some of my favorite ways to get recital dances clean without boring your students (too much 🙂).  What's your favo...

The Casual Dance Teacher's Recital Prep Checklist

We're kicking off a new "recital prep" unit on the podcast with today's episode taking you line by line through my mental checklist of items I need to cover with my st...

Crafting Creative Solos with Jason Pickett

Dancer, educator, choreographer (and more) Jason Pickett, who you may better know as @heyitspickett on social media, is here to talk us through his process for creatin...

Fostering a Healthy Dance Business with Alison Foster Jones

Today I'm breaking my own "we don't need business advice; we're casual dance teachers" rule by having dance studio owner and business coach Alison Foster-Jones on the ...

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